Meet Our Members
Stave Law Chambers is home to a diverse group of experienced legal professionals, each running their own independent practices. Stave Law Chambers itself does not offer legal services. Please contact the lawyer of your choice directly or fill in the form below if you are not sure which lawyer you require.

Alexei Durgali
Simply Family Law
(613) 510-1055
[email protected]

Benjamin Teed
Teed Law
1-888-4-Teed-Law / 1-888-483-3352
[email protected]

Diane Magas
Magas Law Professional Corporation
Tel: 613-563-1005
[email protected]

Jerry Kovacs
Barrister & Solicitor
[email protected]

Marwa Younes
Younes Law Professional Corporation
T: 613.755.4043
F: 613.699.6743
[email protected]

Monick Grenier
Grenier Law
T: 613-755-4037
C: 613-552-5537
F: 613-702-5557
[email protected]

Robert B Carew
Carew & Carew
C: 613-552-2060
T: 613-692-7817
F: 613-366-3971
[email protected]

Winifred Stow-Wilson
Stow-Wilson Law
T: 613-640-1166
F: 613-800-7296
[email protected]

Migrant’s Justice and Development Coalition
Contact: Guillain Koko
T: 343-597-3332
[email protected]
Contact Us
We look forward to supporting your law practice.